• Julie, Building a Squeeze page, W3 M3 https://youtu.be/_eiUCpi7fxs
• Julie Q & A 1/3 Setting up email and pdf download, https://youtu.be/DPmvAYLs13o
• Julie Q & A 2/3 setting up SMTP account if you have bigger $297 account https://youtu.be/7mvJAU0mmnM
• Julie, Sales page https://youtu.be/Kv3u3N10O6Q
• Julie Orderform https://youtu.be/UpTAuqHX99g
• Julie OTO page, https://youtu.be/AV2-FNa9cK0
• Q & A https://youtu.be/nV7i5bCTb-8
• Jim training on OTO https://youtu.be/gMXIzkJ8Bj0
• Julie Member Area https://youtu.be/koApEvI72Is
Member site testing https://youtu.be/v_lfp4PicWg
• Funnel Builder Secrets Light, https://youtu.be/1io8eBwqXKI
Julie's Training Video https://youtu.be/slxadpeCqzU
Jim Features, Benefits and Meaning video https://youtu.be/PLoFfoZnpMo
Jim EHooks and Headlines, https://youtu.be/PZ-rRxcQuFY
Headline Generator Script, https://members.funnelscripts.com/free/?fbclid=IwAR3-LkZUuOEwnBdW8l7BGceK_ea78NOh3YJAt3ftSYebJAg5Y4SkhUwHgaQ
A cool way to build an affiliate business, https://youtu.be/kRR3zdzeG9k
Perfect Webinar Script
5 Minute Perfect Webinar with Jaime Cross https://youtu.be/-V0TcptQqHA
MIG Soap Face Bar https://youtu.be/U3Xlwiex9jw
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Friday, May 17, 2019
The Top Ten Tips Technique to Write and Publish a Book
The Top Ten Tips Technique to Write and Publish a Book
This post has been condensed from the full technique.
1. Write down the 10 best tips or lessons on or about your business, or your expertise. Keep these to one or two sentences each. #1 is your best then follow with 9 more. This can also be the number one and then number two and so on questions that you get asked.
2. Write out one paragraph for each tip or lesson, just one paragraph.
3. For each lesson expand that 1 paragraph to 3-4 paragraphs, flush out the concepts.
3B. Add an author bio along with a photo and contact info at the back of the book. Add a resource list at the back of the book, an intro for the front, a table of contents and any additional info that might apply to your book. If you offer programs or consulting, drop that in also, give readers a call to action. We are talking 28-36 pages when done. This isn't a manifesto.
4. Have your book edited and proofed. After your book is formatted and laid out have it printed out for review and re-edit again. You will be amazed at what you see in a printed version of your book.
5. Print out a Pre-Edited Proof of your book, at the correct size and bind it with a spiral binding. This will give you an excellent sample of your book.
6. Select a format for publishing your book. E-book on Kindle, print book on CreateSpace.com/Amazon or using a quick print shop
7. Create a Kindle e-book and cover
Format the insides of your book in MS Word or some similar word processing application such as Google Doc, Pages, or Scrivner for Kindle. Just work with the regular document and keep the formatting simple. For an ebook/Kindle, create the front cover using Canva.com, InDesign or the online Kindle Cover Creator and save it as a jpg. I have found 6” x 9” at 300dpi can work very well.
8. Create a KDP print book and cover
Using Adobe InDesign or MS Word set up your book page at 5.5” x 8.5” or 6” x 9” with ½” margins. Format your MS Word document in InDesign or in Word, add images and publish your book through KDP.Amazon.com. For a printed book on KDP, set up a full cover spread with the back, spine and front covers plus a 1/8” bleed all around. Your book needs to have a minimum of 24 pages. Try for 36 pages and you will do fine. KDP also has an online Cover Creator that can simplify the cover layout.
9. Create a Quick Print book and cover
For quick print books that you create through a local copy shop or Staples, set your page size up at 5 ½” x 8 ½”. This is an easy size to get printed at a quickie print shop. If you have access to Adobe InDesign that also works very well for creating a printed book. A local designer can help with this stage. Your PDF book is created from any of your source files. If you are using a local quick print shop like Staples you can leave out the spine. Set your cover spread up with a back cover and front cover at 8.5” x 11”.
10. Uploading and publishing your book. If sending your book to Kindle then save it as an html file for the web. If you are going to print, export or save as a pdf file. Also, export your cover file. Upload your book files to Kindle for ebook, or KDP.Amazon.com print, KDP is also the print-on-demand, self-publishing side of Amazon.com, or take the two pdf files to a local quick print shop. If hosting on-line at Amazon, add descriptions, author bio, categories, keywords and price. Kindle has cover creator applications for ebook and print.
11. Launch and market your book through the popular social media channels; Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Pinterest, your website, your email list and YouTube. The chapters can make great videos and blog posts. Give it out to potential and current customers. Make the book available on your website as a free or paid pdf download. Add a thumbnail of the cover and add a link to Amazon for purchasing.
12. Re-Purpose your book content. Your Top Ten Book will make a great blog and video content for your website. Each chapter is a blog post or a video. The script has been written. Take your chapter and it becomes the description for your YouTube video. Take each chapter, add some questions with lines for writing and you have a workbook for a seminar or workshop. Take each chapter and turn them into a short video course. Publish the workbook on KDP and reference the videos. As you can see you can do all kinds of things with this content.
© Copyright J. Bruce Jones 2019
Learn more about publishing your own book at
Come and join the FaceBook Group, How to Publish Your Book
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
I Didn't Learn to Write Until I Was 53
We are up to the Epiphany Bridge Script and telling our own origin story for the Clickfunnels One Funnel Away Challenge. This story is used for marketing our products. The assignment was to either write or video our story based on a set script that we were given.
1. Backstory
2. Desires, Internal/External
3. Wall
4. Epiphany
5. Plan
6. Conflict
7. Achievement
8. Transformation
So I didn't learn to write until I was 53, which anybody who knows me finds kind of amazing because of all those books that are sitting there behind me. But it's true. I didn't learn to write until 53 and it all starts back way back. My earliest memories about myself, the one that everybody already has an early memory mind goes back to about five years old. My earliest memory and I had three set three goals that I have used for my entire life. One was to own my own business. This is five years old. They did this. The other one was to do something in TV or film. And the third one was to write and publish books. I don't know why I came up with these three goals, but they were the goals and I set for myself at five years old and I have pursued them all the way through the rest of my life.
Now the problem was, uh, on all this is I don't know how to write. And somewhere around fourth grade, I was diagnosed with being dyslexic. But for me, English and writing are just awful. It was just a horrible experience. I don't understand nouns and pronouns. I don't understand how sentences go together. I don't understand anything. And I was that kid. I was always a kid in a school that was the kid who was allowed to do projects because they couldn't write the papers. That was me. So I made Viking villages and I made science projects and I acted out plays. I did all kinds of things. Because my teachers would feel sorry for me because I could not figure out how to put those words together. Um, I still want it to be able to learn to write and do, write and write books, but I just couldn't put it, it just didn't make any sense because my brain was messed up and this kind of went all the way through, all the way through grade school, all the way through high school, all the way through college.
Not knowing how to write. I changed my major in my senior year of college because I didn't want to do a thesis paper in the major I was in. I didn't want to do a thesis paper and I switched to art and I had been hanging around in the art department all along. But, I just didn't know how to do it. I had a professor who would flunk you if you put a comma splice in a, in a paper. I have no idea what a comma splice is. I have no idea today what comma splices are. And so I just eliminated all comma from my papers figuring, well, I don't have a comma that I can't have a comma splice. And so, that's the way it was. And it struggled and went through business and I'd have different bosses try to help me and people who helped me and try to do things.
It just, I couldn't write memos. I couldn't do it. I couldn't any of that kind of stuff. And, eventually that all came in as I became a graphic designer. And the problem with being a graphic designer as you worked with words all day long. And um, so as my client's got to know me because you have to do corrections all the time is they'd have to spell all the words. So I'd sit on the phone for hours while they would do corrections on newsletters and brochures and they would spell the words to me. And if I didn't get the word out, which would really sort of getting people upset, they didn't know me really well. Uh, they would get upset. And if they tell me your word over the phone, if I do not, even today, if I don't get the word out, the first shot, even a simple word, it's gone.
It's just completely gone out of my head. I have no idea what that word is, how to spell it, how to put any of it down. It just disappears. It will come back tomorrow, but it just doesn't do it. So it was just this sort of struggle, this internal-external struggle of trying to work in a world. And it happened to pick a career that, you know, works with words a lot. Of how to, you know, navigate writing papers, writing memos, correct. Doing corrections, dealing with words, right to spell. If you have to sit next to me in a meeting, it's kind of embarrassing. I've had people do that to go, what is he doing? Cause it's all scribbles and, scratches. In fact, you can kind of see it. It's just that. But internally I'm like just feeling like a fool or an idiot because I can't get the words out.
I don't understand language, didn't understand how things went, what they did. So it was just sort of a struggle to kind of put all that together, in, so that's, that was me, that's my backstory. That's who I am. Just trying to figure out how to, write and put words together and do all these things. But at the same time, I had this dream of that I want to write books and I want to do something with writing. I'm not sure why that came. I did. The other thing, I started my own business. I worked in a lot of TV stuff. I did all that kind of stuff that was fairly easy. But the writing was, was just a, just a real pain.
So, so as I got closer to my 50s, or in my fifties, I decided I just wanted to learn to figure this out.
Just see if I could do it, see if I could get words down. And blogging kind of came along. And so it gave me a good opportunity to start, to try to do something. So I just, I started to just push myself in writing. I was like, you know, I didn't know how to do it, but I had a number of things happen because of the graphic designer. There's a number of sort of epiphany's that happened or awarenesses that happen. One of them was learning about the power of an editor, so the editor takes and fixes stuff. And so I worked with a lot of editors doing graphic design and I started to come to the realization that I didn't have to be perfect. I didn't have to get my own words out because we're always correcting other people's words and the editors come in and fix their words.
Well, maybe they could fix my words too. So if I had things I wanted to say or I wanted to write, I could always hire an editor was sort of a moment, I can kind of actually maybe do this. And so I just started to push and push and there was a tech, I came up with some little techniques as I sort of just kept pushing myself to see if I could write a, one of them is this thing I called it writing a letter to your sister. So sometimes what I discovered in that, that period of time was if can remove yourself from yourself and kind of put it through something else, some other vehicle you it come out kind of sets a switch off and you can go the other way. So one of the techniques, the first real sort of a little book that I had to write was a software manual for some software products that I had is I wrote a letter to my sister and I basically just said, you know, Dear Katherine, that is my sister's name, Dear Katherine, here is my software product.
And that was enough to kind of trigger to get out this sort of little software manual. I had to write for myself and my product just to write. So it's like a little trick. I started to learn in my fifties some little techniques based on doing graphic design, based on working with editors, based on just watching other people doing it and started to just sort of push.
And I just kept pushing and pushing and pushing and very interesting things that have happened. That's why I say I learned to write a 53 it's right around 53 I took this course from this internet marketing guy, Jeff Walker. So a lot of you probably know who he is. He's a, he's a pretty famous internet marketing guy and I took a course from him and he had a technique in there.
We all had to write a business plan. So that was going to be this assignment. We had to write a business plan and, but the way he delivered or assigned us to write this plan was he gave us little assignments, single paragraphs, just little bitty things, write this out. So I was like, okay, I can write that. It's not writing a whole big thing. It's just writing a little bit and I would write that little bit and the next day he gives you another little assignment. I write that little bit and write that a little bit and this amazing thing started to happen is that by the end of that process of writing this business plan for the course, all of a sudden some kind of switch went off in my head and I could, I could write like words started coming out.
In fact, they came out, I could feel them coming out of the ends of my fingers. I had to happen once. Learning how to play the Mandolin, whereas suddenly got it and like notes can just pouring out of the end of my fingers. This was words that came out of my fingers and suddenly I went from this thing that was like so hard to suddenly, there are just words just like pouring up. And I would sit there and just write and anybody who has gotten an email from me during that time where before I struggled to barely get one or two sentences out and I still do this. I still take the backs of thoughts and put them at the front. If I write out quickly the backend of the sentences at the front of the sentence and the runs, that's, that's dyslexic being dyslexic, you switched things around.
Well, we're just kept started to come. I was like all I can pour it outright and point out right. And I'd be just writing, writing, writing, writing. So I'd write these emails that were like this long like measured them in feet as opposed to, you know, inches. And because it was like something had happened in my head that just switched and I realized it and I just started to write and I just started writing, writing, writing, writing, writing and I realized that also another big thing that happened to me was a couple of things in here. One is the power of hitting the publish button, the power, whether you are on a blog and it has to be public, but by writing something on a blog. I had been doing a lot of blogging at this time. I had been trying to push is that when you hit the power, the hit the publish button, you realize the second you've pushed it, pushed it what it is you should have written like you have a transformation.
Even just writing little tiny blog posts, you hit that publish button and something happens. You're like, oh, that's what I should've said, there is a transformation. Like you go, oh, and they can go back and fix it and you can fix it and you can realize that there's something that happens in the power or releasing your stuff to the world, like pushing it out there. So I sorta had this thing that happened were suddenly words are pouring out of my head, out of my fingers. It really felt like they'll be coming out of my fingers and mixing that with the power of hitting the publish button and letting things go and learning not that I don't have to be perfect on stuff and maybe an editor could fix it and just, and just go. And so what happened is I started to write everywhere.
And I started to write, I started to take off days and go off to libraries. You don't have to have your library has study rooms. Didn't know that. But I do now. And I did then. I started to learn about them. You can go there and just write. I took, um, I did. There was one day I went, I was in a conference in San Diego and I wrote, I went to, I had a lot of time to wait for the airplane with the conference done, I had the time to wait for the airplane and I went to the Hard Rock Hotel Cafe and I wanted to write a book and I had all my notes ready to go and I said, I have six hours, I have to wait. Can I just sit here for six hours? You bring me coffee, bring me food, I'm going to sit at this table and I'm just going to work.
And they were like, yeah, sure, whatever. And they just would kind of bring me food. I had ordered another sandwich. I just kept writing. I was there for six hours. I just wrote and wrote and wrote, wrote, wrote and wrote. It was, it was wonderful experiences just to sit there and do that. And I just started to keep to do it and I realized also you can lose this. And so I was like, okay, this thing happened to me. I can now get words out. If I don't, it's like a muscle. If I don't keep working it and do it, I'm going to lose this. So it was sort of urgency to kind of get things going. And uh, so it just, it was just the most amazing experience. And what had been an awful thing became a wonderful thing, a switch. There was a transformation that happened in me from not being able to do this, this whole thing.
It was so hard to do to something that I just would go off for a day and write. I go to a library to write. I started writing on airplanes. I wrote a number of books in airplanes. I was going back and forth across the country a bunch at that time. I would, it's a, writing on an airplane is the most, it's a fantastic place to write because you can, you can write, no one bothers you just write. You know, it's limited time. If you're tired, you lean back in your chair and take a nap. Can you get back up and you just keep writing? Uh, it's a fantastic place to do it. And I wrote a number of books flying back and forth across the country.
So it just was sort of eye-opening and it's like, aah, and I had some amazing writing experiences, getting other people to write this sort of transformation that happens that when you go from the no, no, no world to the yes, yes, of letting yourself go of hitting that publish button, letting it go out into the world and see what happens. It's just, it was like incredible. So as this kind of went on, so that was like, I was around 53 when that hasn't moved on. I started to get better and better at putting words down and a number of things that I sort of developed at that time also is one breaking the perfection button. They, uh, came, a friend of mine who came up with a phrase of Perfection Freeze Progress. But some of it is realizing that when you have a thought when you're trying to write in your, you're used to with the pen is that we, we self edit ourselves in our own heads. We self edit, right? We stop our fingers from writing or typing and learning to just do that.
Put those words down. I know you'll have conversations in your head with yourself when you're sort of trying to write something. I was writing some notes here. I put some notes here for this here and you're like, Eh, I don't want to write that. You just, it's learning to put that down. Like that is one of the hardest things to learn, I think is that we self edit ourselves and we'd go, I just want to say that doesn't want to say, I don't know what I want to say this is, it's going ahead and put it down because that's the power of the editing afterward. It's the, you have the power of publishing, but before that, you had the power that you can fix it, you can change it, you can edit it and so that's getting confidence in yourself that just put those words down.
Don't self-edit, like don't put this barrier up. It's like one of the toughest things I think to sort of as I learned to write and learn to deal with it and I and get those things out of my way. Get that stuff. That wall that you put up that prevents you in your own head and putting it down on paper. You haven't even shown it to other people yet. You haven't dealt with an editor, you haven't been with anybody. It's in your own self and putting that down and just letting it go and it's going, yep, that's okay. I'll just write. I don't know what I want to say but I'll just write, write that down and that's a big step and sort of moving it forward. I also developed a sort of a Top Ten Technique and I teach people this technique.
I'm not sure if you'd know me. You've seen me probably teach this. I've been on airplanes, I've done it on restaurants, I've done it all kinds of places. It's a technique that I kind of develop how to pull this stuff out of your head, how to use those initial thoughts and expand those thoughts and stuff. It's, I call it my Top Ten Technique. Um, and at some, it's a technique that I had sort of developed while I was going through this and it's helped me in writing a lot of books and doing kind of a lot of stuff. So, um, it's just, there is sort of conflicts that come up and walls that we put ourselves, but it's sort of a process of releasing all that stuff.
So now we move forward 10 years. What's happened? Well, there's a whole shelf full of books. I have now over 50 books that I have published all different kinds of genres. I've also, um, helped a lot of other people get their books going, I have a large group on Facebook. I have, I've developed courses, I have books. All kinds of books, books on writing books and publishing something that was so hard for me. I now teach other people to do it. I have hundreds of people that have used my stuff and listen to what I've done. It's just been pretty amazing to watch people.
It's exciting to watch them go through the process of learning, to write and to publish and to release. But it's really that transformation that comes, it has been some of the most amazing things to see people's lives, including my own, that have gone, who just had this internal dream. I wrote in one of my latest books, I wrote this phrase, I put, it sort of a dedication to myself in here.
And I wrote because I didn't really feel this because I've seen it happen so many times.
Publishing your book is often the fulfillment of a dream
you might not know you even have, it can transform your life.
you might not know you even have, it can transform your life.
So let me just read that again.
Publishing your book is often the fulfillment of a dream you might not even know you have. It can transform your life.
It's, it changes your perspective on the world. It gives you organization, it helps you move forward. I've had some amazing experiences. I've watched people in a room who, somebody who I had helped get their book published, and they walk into a room of their friends with their book and just this unbelievable smile on their face. And there's this, they don't even know what's going on as all the people come around them. Congratulate them on their book. Because even though I'm kind of in a world that generates a lot of books, and we all have a lot of books and authors, most people don't have a book. And it's a huge deal to get one out. And so to be able to watch that happen, watch people's lives go in different directions, watch them. Gain the confidence to do things, to reshape things based on writing. So I just encourage you to push, pursue those dreams. Put stuff down on paper. Go ahead and publish. Hit that publish button. Uh, get things. Get a transformation that happens. It's unbelievable.
All right. See you next time. Bye Bye.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
How to Tell Stories from Russell Brunson
Today's lesson in the Clickfunnel One Funnel Away Challenge is about the importance of story and how to tell a story and how to use it in the process of selling.
The assignment is to now write our stories
The assignment is to now write our stories
Monday, May 13, 2019
The 365 Day Broadcast Challenge
New assignment from Russell Brunson and the One Funnel Away Challenge. We have to do either a blog post, a video-Facebook Live or a podcast every day for 365 days. Ok, well that will keep me busy.
I think I will start with Facebook lives and answer the questions that come in every day. It is what people want to hear and it is pretty easy to create. Turn on the camera and talk. Here is todays on Ways to promote your book while you are writing it.
QUESTION: What are some of the ways you can promote a book while it is being written?
I would tell the story of the story. Bring people alone with your writing. Set up a blog. I recommend Google Blogger, it is free and super easy to get going. You don’t need any web person. This is a great way to build your platform of followers
• Post the progress of the writing.
• Post what you have written, sections from the actual book. Don’t worry that it isn’t perfect, it is the rough stage.
• Repost the post on a Facebook page
• Tweet the post, and any other social media
• Take people on a journey of the writing, if you visit someplace for research for the book, talk about.
• If a children’s book, show the sketches, the rough drawings, the finish drawings
• Show people your writing space, people love that
• Release a chapter as a downloadable pdf, very easy to do.
• It is being public about the book and the process way before you ever release it.
• As you build posts you can look at the stats and see what people are interested in.
J. Bruce Jones is the best selling author of over 40 books. Bruce writes and teaches authors how to create, publish and launch their books.
Learn more about publishing your own book at
Come and join the FaceBook Group, How to Publish Your Book
For this assignment, we are to use one of these platforms to release our content, Facebook Live, the blogging platform-Medium, a short podcast using Anchor on your phone, or Instagram. This video gives us the ins and outs of this assignment.
I think I will start with Facebook lives and answer the questions that come in every day. It is what people want to hear and it is pretty easy to create. Turn on the camera and talk. Here is todays on Ways to promote your book while you are writing it.
QUESTION: What are some of the ways you can promote a book while it is being written?
I would tell the story of the story. Bring people alone with your writing. Set up a blog. I recommend Google Blogger, it is free and super easy to get going. You don’t need any web person. This is a great way to build your platform of followers
• Post the progress of the writing.
• Post what you have written, sections from the actual book. Don’t worry that it isn’t perfect, it is the rough stage.
• Repost the post on a Facebook page
• Tweet the post, and any other social media
• Take people on a journey of the writing, if you visit someplace for research for the book, talk about.
• If a children’s book, show the sketches, the rough drawings, the finish drawings
• Show people your writing space, people love that
• Release a chapter as a downloadable pdf, very easy to do.
• It is being public about the book and the process way before you ever release it.
• As you build posts you can look at the stats and see what people are interested in.
J. Bruce Jones is the best selling author of over 40 books. Bruce writes and teaches authors how to create, publish and launch their books.
Learn more about publishing your own book at
Come and join the FaceBook Group, How to Publish Your Book
For this assignment, we are to use one of these platforms to release our content, Facebook Live, the blogging platform-Medium, a short podcast using Anchor on your phone, or Instagram. This video gives us the ins and outs of this assignment.
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Week One of the Clickfunnel's One Funnel Away Challenge
My week of learning the One Funnel Away |
Wow, what a week so far of the Clickfunnel, One Funnel Challenge. We are into the training, pay attention or be left behind.
Funnel Hacking Your Competitors
We started with Funnel Hacking. Funnel Hacking is when you look at the sales funnels of competitors and others and try to figure out what they are doing, what is their process. Facebook is a great place to look at the ads and products that your competitors use. Go to the company's FB page and scroll down the page, you will many of their ads. Recently they had a tab on the left called Info and Ads which grouped them all in one search. But the ads are still on the page. What you are looking for in an ad for their product is the Hook, Story, and Offer from the company. You want to see what they are selling, what story they are telling and what product. You are looking for the pricing, the bonuses, all the different parts. Set up a spreadsheet or chart and compile all of this data. You want to know about the universe you are marketing to. This exercise will give you a pretty good idea of what is working.
Hook > Story > Offer
Analyzing Your Products
Once this information has been compiled you then want to write down all the elements of your product. You want to break the elements down into four categories, Written, Audio/Video, Physical and Other. This should be a listing of everything you can think of, not just the stuff you have made. But also any products that you haven't made but could someday. Even adding in items like t-shirts, hats, and mugs. Customers love getting a t-shirt.
Written > Audio/Video > Physical > Other
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Breaking down my World of Maps Clip-Art map products to all the possible things I could sell. |
One of the tasks we also had to do was put together a test product pitch. Basically, create a product on paper with all the parts and features and pitch it to someone. I got to do this on Tuesday to a buddy of mine. For my test product to pitch, I broke down my Self-Publishing courses. It was pretty good. Keith Spiro of Keith Spiro Media recorded my efforts. You can learn more about Keith at http://bit.ly/keithspiro
Every Problem Has a Solution with New Products.
One of the cool things I have learned so far is that products are a solution to a problem. Every problem has a solution. You are selling a solution to a problem. But, and here is the cool thing, the solution opens up a series of new problems. Your job will be to fill all those problems with your own solutions. The solutions are your products. I never thought about products like this. In fact, Russell Brunson has really opened my eyes to a lot of new stuff.
An example might be, a dog is a solution for someone living alone and wanting some comfort and security. But a dog needs to be fed, bathed, where does it sleep, who walks it when you have to go away, where do you find a good vet. If you are selling dogs you might also offer dog training, a ready supply of food, maybe dog sitting services when the new owner goes away. You can greatly expand your product if you offer a solution. This process is called a Funnel Sequence.
So this is what I did next, I took my World of Maps clip art product and broke it down into a lot of little and different products. See the picture above.
Funnel Sequence
After you have figured out all the elements, you then need to build a Funnel Sequence. A sequence is the stream of actions that happen when someone comes to buy your product. We start with an ad on maybe Facebook for some free thing. The person clicks on the ad and it takes to a landing or squeeze page when they can get the free item in exchange for an email address. Next, the person is taken to a Sales Page for something related and usually the next thing someone might need. Buy a Dog, then purchase Dog Training. After that order, the person is taken to what is called an Upsell page. This might be Dog Insurance. That is as far as we are going, but you get the idea. And it is only Thursday.
Ad > Squeeze Page > Sales Page > Upsell
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My Funnel Sequence for my World of Maps Products |
Test link World Regional PDF Map Set
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Day 3 The Who Not the How, One Funnel Away Challenge
In Day 3, The Who and Not the How we learned about figuring out what you are good at, do that and hire someone else to do all the rest.
We also learned to build slowly, take notes and build a system. One of the most important ideas we learned about building a funnel to sell stuff is, a funnel is a revenue stream, but not a business. A business is a series of systems that support the funnels and the revenue.
We get stuck thinking we need to create a business, when in reality, create a funnel that sells, then build a business. No selling no business. And don't create the business until you are hurting from the funnels. You can't handle the revenue anymore, then build systems to manage it.
And the last thing we learned was about organizing your time. Divide your tasks into things that support your revenue and things that don't. Do the things that support your revenue and outsource or maybe just don't even do the things that don't. Match this up with the list of things you are good at and the things you are not.
Steven also mentioned using the site Freelancer.com to find people to help and about the power of running a contest to identify the people
Steven also mentioned using the site Freelancer.com to find people to help and about the power of running a contest to identify the people
Day 2 Failure & What It Teaches Us, One Funnel Away Challenge
In today's training, we had to write down one thing we learned from Russell's presentation that stuck.
What I learned is to never stop, don't worry about perfect, just keep trying. We see people like Russell Brunson being very successful. Able to make a choice and pull in huge amounts of money. What we don't realize is they got this way by trying a million ideas. We only see success. We don't see all the effort to get there.
I learned that we get stuck trying to make the perfect solution, the perfect product. What I learned is that most of his success comes from trying everything. Russell doesn't worry about the perfect. Something doesn't work, make another, and another and another. Remember Thomas Edison, he tested 10,000 ideas before he figured out the right filament for the lightbulb.
What I learned is to never stop, don't worry about perfect, just keep trying. We see people like Russell Brunson being very successful. Able to make a choice and pull in huge amounts of money. What we don't realize is they got this way by trying a million ideas. We only see success. We don't see all the effort to get there.
I learned that we get stuck trying to make the perfect solution, the perfect product. What I learned is that most of his success comes from trying everything. Russell doesn't worry about the perfect. Something doesn't work, make another, and another and another. Remember Thomas Edison, he tested 10,000 ideas before he figured out the right filament for the lightbulb.
My Philosophy On What the Web Really Is, A Product Delivery System
I recently made some comments to a question on Facebook in a group that I am in, on how to find products to sell online. How do you expand your website into a business?
My comments centered around some people who have built web-based distribution channels that they use for selling products and services. Success online is about using your web properties to create distribution channels that you can sell your content through. We were discussing podcasts, but these are just the latest version of web distribution channels because they are so popular. But really any website or blog or video channel or podcast that starts to get you traffic becomes a channel for you to sell your own content on.
One of the hardest things to figure out with the web is why people come to your site or listen to what you say. But once you do you can capitalize on it and sell stuff.
I have a friend who I helped publish her book. It goes along with her blog and podcast on women empowerment issues. The main question she gets asked is how to make a podcast. People listen to the podcast but want to know how they can create their own podcast. This happens a lot. If you create a lot of videos, you will get asked what camera and microphone you use. The questions won't be on your content but will be on the tools. I have been encouraging her to create a quickie How to Make a Podcast PDF and post it on her blog. Then mention it in her podcasts to see if people will download it. Test the questions. She is stuck because she wants to talk about empowerment issues when in reality her audience wants to create podcasts.
My point here from the original question is to look at your content and your website stats and see what people might want to know. What are they asking about? One of the ways to figure out what people are interested in is to look at your website's Google Analytics or stats. Google has a free website called Google Analytics that tells you pretty much everything you need to know about your site. If you have a Google account you and a free Analytics account. Every web site records all kinds of stats about their visitors. What page people visit on your site is what you want to know about. For me, the most important Google Analytics stat is the landing page stats. What page did Google send people to? Now that you know that, create a product that sits on that page or posts that goes deeper. These are the pages you can sell related products from.
I have found that how you see yourself or your website is completely different from how the world sees you or your website. What you think you are doing is often wrong to what the world thinks you are doing. If you can match how the world sees you with your message and content you have a powerful channel. A channel that can sell stuff.
Don't have a site like that, then create one. A blog is perfect for this. It does not have to be fancy, Google Blogger is perfect and free. You have a Google account, you have a free Blogger blog account. If you have written a book, take it and post every section of it as individual posts or pages with the goal of Google Analytics telling you what people want to learn from you. Then feed it back to them. Once your site starts getting web visitors or traffic you now have a distribution channel. Wrap ads for your products around your posts or pages. Take all your content and put it online and see what happens. Once you know what people like, you then repackage it and sell it to them. You can not believe what you think you are doing, you have to believe what Google tells you your doing. You have to listen to the stats and act accordingly.
Posting, publishing, and releasing your content online matched up with your Google Analytics or iTunes or YouTube or whatever stats gives you answers. I have done this with many different products on many different websites. I sell, books, posters, courses, clothing, software, all kinds of different products.
Remember magazines, newspapers and TV shows have been doing this for years. They are not about the content that you watch or read, they are about the ads and products they sell. Different content brings different readers and viewers but it is still about the ads.
This is my point. Build web-based distribution channels, learn why people visit and sell them stuff.
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