Friday, June 26, 2020

Over $322,650 in Book Sales on Amazon

I was looking at my Amazon historical sales today and in lifetime commissions I just went over $100K to $101,743.87, I average about $10/book. So in retail sales, I have sold $322,650 dollars in books based on selling 34,605 books. Hard to believe. It looks like they are keeping records for me back to Jan 2011. The above and below charts are from 2011-2020.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Workbook Masterclass, Create Your Own Workbooks, Checklists and Journal

The Workbook MasterClass is open June 12-19, 2020 Open Discount, use Code workbookopen

In the Workbook Masterclass, I show you how to create your own workbooks, checklist, or journals.  We will be looking at your books, coaching, consulting, or teaching and pulling out the key content or path and create a workbook.

Our books, coaching, consulting and teaching take our readers, clients, or students on a journey. We move them from point A to point B. They go on a journey of discovery and learning. Hopefully, there is a transformation that takes place as they start to understand what we are saying and teaching. 

A workbook becomes an excellent companion on this journey. It helps your reader or client move through your material and either learn or through self-awareness understand and retain what you are trying to say. 

We use our workbooks as a tool or roadmap to help guide our reader, client, or student to the lessons we are teaching. We also use our workbooks as additional products. It is a way to monetize our books and coaching. Workbooks are often seen as more valuable than the original book. The book, coaching, or teaching is the theory, the workbook, study guide, or checklist is the practical. It is a way of pulling out the lessons and key points of our content. 

Included in the Workbook MasterClass
• Workbook Examples, great examples to model, Video
• The Hidden Treasures in Your Content, Video, we look at your books, coaching, consulting, and teaching. 
• Key Workbook Tips and Ideas, Products You Can Make from Your Workbook
• 3 Case Studies by Workbook creators, Videos
• Workbook MasterClass Book, PDF Book
• The Workbook Tips and Resources, PDF Book
• Publishing and Marketing Your Workbook, Video
• Design Tips 101 for Workbooks, Video
• Making Your Cover, Video
• Workbook Elements Templates for MS Word, PowerPoint, and InDesign
• 3 Live Zoom Training Sessions, Applying the Templates

To learn more or buy the MasterClass click: our special Launch Discount Code for $50 off workbookopen