Saturday, December 5, 2015

Bruce Jones Interviewed on The Kindle Chronicles

I had a nice interview with Len Edgerly of The Kindle Chronicles. Len is an expert on all things Kindle. We had a great time, we talked about my progress as an author and publisher, my books and where I see publishing going.

To listen to the interview please click here, Interview with Bruce Jones for The Kindle Chronicles

Topic covered included:
  • How did you first get interested in design?
  • What is it about your work that has kept you motivated for the past three decades?
  • What topics have you published books about?
  • What is your all-time bestselling book?
  • Can you recommend a couple of titles that you have helped publish that my listeners might be interested in checking out?
  • Do you sell more print books than Kindle books?
  • How much easier is it to make an eBook with Kindle Direct Publishing than it was five years ago?
  • What could Amazon do to improve CreateSpace, based on your experience?
  • Why are coloring books for adults so popular? Tell us about your Mandala Happiness series of coloring books.
  • What do you recommend for crayons or markers for coloring?
  • How many hours of course videos have you published?
  • What things have you learned the hard way about how to make a watchable online video?
  • What have you learned about Smart Passive Income from Pay Flynn and your own work online?
  • In a session you did last week for the BackPack Video Journalism Workshop in Ghana, you emphasized the building of community. For a book author, what are some examples of how to do that?
  • I learned from your Ghana workshop that there are three kinds of Facebook groups. Can you explain what they are and how they might be used?
  • Over the years I have been doing my podcast, I have often become excited about building my platform, and so far—except for Twitter and YouTube--I have always lost interest or not had time to keep up the effort. My GoodReads group and Facebook page are now fairly dormant. What sort of time management methods or social media habits do you rely on to keep your platforms growing while still having enough time to create your own original books and products?
  • How are you using Periscope and Blab?
  • Given how active you are in video streaming and video content, I’m curious what sort of an Internet connection you have in your home in Norwood, which is about 25 miles south of where I am in Cambridge, Mass.
  • What are some projects you have on the horizon for next year?
To learn more about The Kindle Chronicles please visit The Kindle Chronicles

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