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Watch the Video Below to Learn How to Use Your Book Content to Promote your Book |
Hi, Bruce Jones here, from the how to publish your book Facebook Group and BruceTheBookGuy.com, a blog. I am a a self published author, with over 40 books. Here's just some of them, big pile of them here, have lots of different kinds of books and we had a great question that came up on the facebook group from a member a on how to publish a book facebook group and encourage you to come on over there and join if you're seeing this video somewhere else, just search on how to publish your book facebook group or check out the details. Anyways, the comment was about on book marketing and it was about the author was starting to do a book and just wanting to give away sketches from her coloring book and um, and then some opened up a dialogue about how is this a good idea given what your content spreading the content around everybody is very protective of their content and all that kind of stuff.
So I just, in this video I wanted to show you what I do is one of the techniques I use in marketing my books of how I take my content and spread it around all over the planet and as many places as they can and uh, how I think it has been a very effective tool for marketing my books. Let me bring up my, um, bring up the website here. So this is the how to publish a book facebook group and I encourage, you know, come on over and join his great dialogue. We have a 3,500 people now and it's kind of fun. So I'm also going to highlight, um, to one of our members. Linda does zeal, I think I can never quite got to make sure I publish her. Her name right. Does the. Oh, maybe hope that's right. Um, and been very generous.
She has been doing some things that go along with this and I want to just show this also. It's not just me that's doing this and it's a very effective technique and just show you what you can do using some of the tools. So we're going to bounce around between some facebook stuff, blog stuff, um, some website stuff and just show you kind of things I do to promote and market my stuff. So what I mean by this is taking the content from your books. So let's just take one of my books. So we'll use this one. Mandela happiness. So it's just a coloring book. And what I do is I take the content from this and I release it out into the world, uh, image my image page by page, paragraph by paragraph, and then around my content, I rap, I'm ads from my own content, so I use my content, bring people to a site, and then around my content I put my own books with links to Amazon.
So just, just start a quick example. I'll just show you, this is a blog and I, and I am lax on getting back and I have too many of these things to keep them, keep up with them all. But the concept is all here. So this is the Mandela happiness coloring books. We did a series of these books. I think I did four of them. Um, and then I built a blog, this is google blogger where I took the content, put it into the blog and then put ads. So as this is, and this is free because this is a google blogger account and you can do this with free accounts. You don't have to spend any money doing this. Um, so I just post stuff about the book. I did different things, show the book being colored, you know, uh, the book launch. We had a cookout and did the, did the book launch at a cookout.
I'm just content from the book. And then around the book I added ads, if you click on them, take you to Amazon so you can buy. So the blog, the purpose of the blog is to bring people to interested people to a central location. So in this case, the Mandela happiness blog, and it brings people in here and they can see it. And then you have ads for your book. You can also set up individual pages, which I did with videos. So however you're going to do it, I believe in releasing as much of the content as you can. I'm going to show you in a second some of that stuff that I've done. Um, let's go to another one. So I did, I've done a lot of different kinds of books and one of my books is essential chords for guitar, Ukulele, a guitar and Mandolin, Ukulele and Banjo.
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Use your content to bring Google visitors and then wrap ads around the edges and link to Amazon |
So I just did basically I did a book that documented my learning these instruments and I did, they're just a beginner cord book and it has been selling for years. I did this, oh, I don't know, years ago. And it just keeps selling and selling and selling on Amazon. I think I did. It was the copyright on this, um, 2011. So I've been selling this book for Eighteen, seven years. So I set up a site called Acoustic Music TV.com where I took the pages I just made from the pdf file. It just took a jpeg of the page because you already had the file. Me and I set up an individual page for each book. Now web design has moved on to be very fancy and different and very different. Look, I've never changed this design since. I put it up probably back in 2012 is when I put this site up.
It's a very simple website. I learned how to do it off of Youtube. Just looking at. I didn't Dreamweaver. I'm. I'm using Hostgator is the host so accustomed me about, I don't know, $8 a month or something to host these sites and I'm gonna show you a couple of them and a very primitive but it works with very effectively. And if I just go to any page in here, I'm just going to here. You can see where I took the graphic, the page from the book. I added a little book thing at the bottom so somebody downloads this to get this chord chart. Along comes a little ad for my book, some description and then around my book I added copies, thumbnails of the book that are linked straight to Amazon. So this book has been up there a long time. I'm just going to take her.
I don't even still number 76 in Mendelssohn's and 99 and Banjo. So this book is still in 116 and made it so it's still selling for eight, nine years. This book has been up there, but it's a very simple technique to do. You can just take, especially if you have graphics, take the PDF, make an individual a jpeg. I just set up a simple website. You can do this on Wix, you can do this on a weebly, could do it any, anything you do in the blog, it doesn't really matter. Um, and then you just wrap ads, run it. I also usually will put up some kind of book selling page like so. All right. And that model it on Amazon where you have book cover author, that little video sample pages from the book links. She always want to link it. So you want to bring people to a site because they're interested in the content you have in your book and give them a clear path to Amazon just like Amazon does.
I added some related books in here so that they just stumbled on this page. Maybe they want to do something else. Um, I've done repurpose this into posters, all kinds of stuff, but this is just a technique of taking your content, put it online and um, that the world find it. It just sits here. It's simple. It's like a big advertising platform and, um, brings people to. Yup, there you go. It brings people in. Let's go and look at what Linda did. I really liked what she did. Part of what all this is about. So this is kind of a passive marketing approach. It doesn't, I don't, I'm not interacting with these clients even though I do have an email list on here and a signup for downloading a pdf with some free pages on it. Um, I do very, very little on this site.
It just sort of sits here kind of grinding away funneling people up to Amazon to find my book so that you have to sort of recreate the bookstore online that you have in reality. Let's go look at what Linda did. So Linda is an illustrator. She's written a number of books on different topics and um, they're really good. She went on horses and she did take a couple of years ago where she blogged all about the writing of the book and now she's doing it on facebook and the advantage of facebook is you're building a community that you can continually keep in contact with, so if you go to her adventures, a turbo, which is her newest book, she's basically taking you through the journey and the, the, the, the, the path of creating this book. She has videos in here showing you how she makes the illustration.
So let's just go in here for a second and look at this and I checked the Linda beforehand, so she's cool with me showing you all this, but I, but I, I really commend her producing this. She just, you just kind of continually photograph. We have phones, click, click, push it up. You know, it's not hard. You notice the tools. She's using the drawing, she's using the storyboard she's using and she's building a community of people that she can use to sell this book. When she gets to that point, look at that. See she's laid that out and get this. This is fantastic. Look at this great thing. Here's you just sort of working out the book, but she's letting you come along with it. She's taking the potential customer, the reader of this book along on a journey. So this is a great thing.
How she got it. Look at that and see she's, I mean, this is just really, really great stuff. Anybody can do this with your books. This doesn't have to be a picture book. You look at that. Everybody loves to see behind the scene studio shot. Um, what a great shot at a great, great, great picture. Look at that so you can see how this is developing. You're getting astic about her book, you can comment about a book, you can do things in and then when it comes time to sell, you can launch your book through this page. So I really think this is a fantastic model which he's doing with colors, with paper. Look at the book dummy here stuff going back to the beginning of this. And then she promoted this on different, other different groups. Like she's in the how to publish a book facebook group.
So she promoted there and bring people over. So all that is cool. Look at this. This is just the thumbnails. Lay out your storyboard for your books. This is just great. Great, great stuff. Let me show a couple of others that I've done. So I've done the music one. I've done the blog one, I've done. Um, I have some antique maps that I sell. I do the same thing. I promote different versions of things. And so notice here are just maps that people can buy. They can use them in their books, they can use them in their graphic design packaging that websites. I show every single map that I have in this collection. And then I give a clear link right here. And if you just click on this, it should go. Yep. There it goes. It goes right to the, to the patient with the video so that you can buy it.
So you're giving people, you're, you're highlighting what you have, you give them, you. So you used that to bring people interested, people searching you, Google indexes. This stuff had come. They come to your site to see what you have. Then you give them a clear path. I tend to work with my numbers. I think one percent, you're really working with one person. One percent isn't any different than direct mail and postcards and all that kind of stuff. Um, it's a very open, maybe one percent of the people who come here buy this so you can look at your numbers and you can tell very quickly how many orders you might get by what your traffic and what can you do to increase the traffic. How do you build more? Here's another site that I have called free us and world maps. So I had developed, I still do sell a large line of click art naps and used in presentations, business presentations, a homeschooling, all kinds of stuff.
And I, there were an illustrator and powerpoint, but I also put them into books like so and I took graphics all these maps and put them on a website. This website gets about 30 to 50,000 visitors a month. And let me just go to something like Mexico here. So I have ads in here for other products as in here for my books, ads in here for different kinds of things because all these people are coming to sight see it. So you can take your content and do that and bring people into your collections by just releasing the content. I also have you noticed in here every page I cross promote, I'm not worried about design on this so much. This was again done a long time ago and I'm kind of a gradually here and there. I update it. It isn't about the design, it isn't about fancy.
I want it to be as much stuff as open as possible, as easy for Google to use. Um, and then I can sell my books here and that'll bring people and they'll figure it out. I need to replace that video. But again, look at members and we did the music. We had the same model, we put some samples, links of other books, page directory, and this lets people know what I'm selling and they can bring it up because his work with text, I believe it does seem to be the last example, just show you this. So I had done my latest book was I want to publish my book but don't know how it's my manual on self publishing takes you through all the steps of what you need to do and on my Brucethebookguy.com site, which is just sort of all the things that I'm not bitter potentially publish everything on my facebook group, so I put it up over here, a little longer format I where I write a blog post and do things, but what I did is I took text from the book and I put here is basically have 12 steps in here and how to write a book.
You'll notice it's all right here, right? Google indexes this, it brings people over to it. I have videos, I put links, I put all kinds of stuff, and you'll notice over here on this side is a link for the book and you can go right to it. So pretty, pretty cool. Now is this, why is this work? I worked because one, because Google sees good content and brings people there because the answers questions, but also if I go into the stats and it makes sure you had some competitive statistics. Our stats package on your site, I'm using the one that's in blogger. It's like a simplified version of google analytics, but if I go inside and look at stats, and this is just sort of the stats of today. I had 54 people here. You can see this, a lot of traffic. A few days ago, something going on.
I go here, you'll notice, so here are the posts that was popular posts over the last week and here the most popular pages over the last week and you'll notice the page on from this book is the number one page. Generally it's my page and I highly recommend on any site you do like this to have a resources page of links for all kinds of stuff that is generally usually the most popular me look at my month. Yeah, resources is number one, but the texts from this book is number two is bringing people in and then how I sell books, so this text is working to bring people to the site. If people like what they see and they see the link, they go to Amazon and they can get it. So I love this technique of take your content, whether it's images or texts or you're in development. Some people write their books on their blogs, some people do like Linda's doing.
She's showing you the entire process as you go and you're taking people on a drink. People love to see the behind the scenes, see what you're doing, see how you created it and put it all up. So I hope that's helpful. Um, ask questions, have a dialogue, post comments, whatever you want to do is great. Come over to the how to publish a book facebook group. Um, make sure you sign up for that or come over to [inaudible] dot com and read my stuff and would have happened by my books. You know, they're out there all over the place and that's all right. We'll see you in the next video. Great. Bye. Bye.
Connection and Learning
Bruce Jones is the author and creator of over 40 self-published books.
If you want to learn how to create your own book visit Publishing Mastery 101 and see my courses: https://bruce-the-book-guy.usefedora.com/
Come over and join my Facebook Publishing Group, ask me questions, show your books. Great place to connect with authors and self-publishers
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